Essential Treatment Details Usually Offered by West Dermatology

Skin-related treatments have been taking a new turn lately. They are more impactful, less risky, and result-oriented. Treatments like sculptra Vancouver are popular these days. You can visit a dermatologist and get these treatments & enjoy phenomenal results.

West Dermatology is one of the finest dermatological clinics available. This derma clinic offers a range of treatments that can help you look the way you want. You might be curious to know details about a few treatments provided by the doctors from this derma clinic. So, here they are.


Several derma treatments aim to improve collagen production under the facial skin. Micro-needling is one of those treatments that result in the same. If you need microneedling Vancouver treatment, you can visit West Dermatology. Here, you can get two types of micro-needling, i.e., traditional/automated micro-needling and PRP micro-needling. This procedure isn't painful as many of you might believe. You can experience mild discomfort during the procedure & nothing else. The best part of this treatment is that results are visible in only 2-3 months. You have to be a bit careful about what to apply on your skin for the next 24-48 hours of micro-needling. Apart from this, everything else will be fine.


Dermal fillers are quite popular these days. One of the famous fillers is Sculptra. You can ask your dermatologist to provide this treatment when you lose facial volume due to decreasing collagen. It gradually improves collagen products and makes you look better. At West Dermatology, you can get this treatment easily. Many people have been choosing the treatment at this clinic as it gives results that last for more than two years. If you do not want to worry about your thinning face or do not like how the lost volume makes you look, visit this derma clinic for this treatment.


Taking care of facial skin is not everything. You have to focus on your neck skin as well. For instance, if your face looks fine due to derma treatments, but wrinkles & saggy skin of your neck looks the same, everything will appear unbalanced. If you have concerns regarding this, you should visit West Dermatology. At this clinic, you can go for a treatment called ultherapy Vancouver. It is one fine solution for your neck skin. This non-surgical treatment will help you get good results & it also has low downtime.

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